Tuesday, May 3, 2011

This week was wonderful!

Aloha my ohana! This week was wonderful! (hahaha I switched it up Aunty& Unko!) I was told i always start off with the same line so i switched it up a little! This week has been crazy busy and i love it! We have so many meetings and councils to go to and they are all amazing and uplifting! I love my life so much cause every "free" second we have we are teaching! It has been a spiritually uplifting week! We went to teach one of our investigators, Wesley and as we taught we spoke of goals and how important it was to prayerfully make and set goals! We ended up feeling impressed to commit him to a date to be baptized and he said "well i was waiting for that since we started!" He proceeded to give us his little conversion story and how he had received an answer to be baptized just a few days before we showed up! He had been praying alot and he got a spiritual confirmation that this is what he needed to do! we were so stunned but grateful for the faith he has in his Savior! He will be baptized this weekend and we just finished teaching him the last few commandments and we set up his interview! We are excited and proud of him and his fellow shipper! This week will be short but i Love my Savior as well! He is so merciful to me and I know he lives! Hope you all have a great week!
-Elder Runnels

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