Monday, June 7, 2010

June 7, 2010.

Well this weeks e mail is early for once! we were told to do our e mails today (monday) cause were having our last interviews with president tomorrow instead of having p day! i cant wait! i love meeting with him and i will soak up every moment i get with him! ill miss him so much but i know that Pres. Cannon will just come in and do great things! Any way this week was so intense! we got to teach a great lesson that made me feel like Ammon of old! we have been helping a family with a lot of service and we finally got into the home to teach! he is an indian (feather, not red dott.) man and we started off by asking him what they believe as indians! wow they are not far off what we believe and the only differnce is that they think we become a actual part of God after this life. not a ressurected individual! we were shoked to hear the similarities between him and king Lamoni of the Book of mormon... he made tons of refernces to "The Great Spirit" and we knew what he was speaking of! we were able to tell him that we have this book of the Ancient Americans and it was just for him! We spoke of the great wars and contentions that they all went through and what awesome warriors they (the indians) were! we also spoke of prayer and speaking to the great spirit through it! we were able to teach alot of who God is to him and he accepted it all! it was awesome! then we read through alma 18 with him and he loved it cause he saw how much faith Ammon had in the Great spirit and he of corse loved the Arm chopping part! he is 74 years old and still just a energetic one! we cant wait for today when we can meet with him again! We had a chance to do some awesome service also! we pulled weeds for a widow a few days ago but sat. and sun. we had a big flood hit Payette! due to the random overload of rain mixed with a crazy amount of snow melt from the mountains the Payette River over flowed bad! we had a small warning of the damm breaking so we went to all the trailor parks by the river and made sand baggs! it was way worst then we thought! the river rose quick and the water came with such force we were all kindof hopeless! our efforts turned south and everything started flooding for miles by the river! we then just started grabbing things in homes and ran them up a hill to drygroung but alot of stuff was still dammaged! whole fields were dammaged and destroyed and crops washed away! it was kind of cool tho. nature is so powerfull and as we sat back and watched the flow we just were amazed with how quick a disaster can strike! it still is going today and the levys are being fixed but hopefully we will be able to help everyone later this week when the river returns back to normal! everyone was safe but homes were destroyed bad most of which were members and with no insurance! crazy but i hope they can recover from this! on a lighter note we had many investigators at church! we had even a few surprises when a family we contacted once showed up! they only stayed for sacrement meeting but i was able to bear testimony to them of the \plan of salvation cause they have just lost a teenage daughter! the spirit was strong and i loved that they just got up and came to church! well all is well here in Payette and Fruitland! i love how we are just so busy always and the lord has been just blessing us every second of every day! i hope all is well in Hawaii nei! i love you all so much and i love serving the lord with all my might! untill next week! A hui ho!

1 comment:

  1. Issac
    I am so inspired by your zeal...zest and tireless devotion. I love sharing your experiences with my kids...I hope to raise a missionary just like you !
    keep on keepin on.
