Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 9, 2010.

Well another great week and it was by far the most dangerous but spritual week of my mission! all i have to say is poor elder Akina! we had a very interesting week! we taught lots of lessons and had interviews with pres. Yardley! im staying in kuna guys! it will make it 7 and 1/2 months here when if i leave but for sure ill be here next transfer! we (elder Akina and i) will be staying together! he just said he cant seperate the "Flyin Hawaiians!" he is awesome! we see many miricles and yeaterday we had a experence ill keep sacred for my whole life! it has to do with a part member family we work with and a devorce and shot guns and suisides and anything else you can think of that is scary! were safe and fine but we grew alot from what we have seen and whitnessed! the story is too long and i feel that i need to not share it so sorry but all i know is that God is Great and is a god of miricles! on a lighter subject we have made so many strong friends in the wards and we have so much fun! the work is exploding and i know that heavenly fathers in all we do! i feel great strength from all the prayers in our behalf and im greatfull for it! sorry its short but i love and miss you all! Aloha

-Elder Runnels

1 comment:

  1. aloha- this is emily york....i knew isaac just a short time in Hawaii....I just wanted to say thanks for putting this blog together, his letters are really inspiring to me right now! i'm happy for isaac and i hope to have such strong faith!
