Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Another letter from Sis. Anderson

Hi Sister Runnels,
Hey, I have attached some more photos, probably the last ones for awhile. (BUMMER) I know your Elder is getting transferred and will be gone from our area this week. You can't know how sad that makes me but I am happy for him to be moving on.
Miracles have happened since he has visited our home. My husband shared a story about the Holy Ghost when they were here last. I have never heard that story or even heard my husband talk much about the Holy Ghost. You son brings out the best in my husband.
For the first time in a long time my husband attended the Priesthood session of General Conference. Our son could not go with his father. He went by himself and I said a prayer that he might feel welcome and have someone to sit by. That prayer was answered. Those two wonderful Elders sat on either side of him and he came home with a smile on his face. Thank you SIster Runnels for raising such a son.
I know he is leaving this Thursday and we will miss his strong spirit. Please keep in touch with me and let me know how he is doing. I have a great love for him.
If it will make it any easier for you to come and pick him up from his mission, we would love if you would stay with us. We have an extra bedroom and you are welcome in our home. I know we stayed with someone when we went to Washington DC to pick up our son. We could not afford the airfare and the motel. It was a wonderful experience. I'm glad I had that opportunity.
Thanks again for raising such a valiant spirit.


  1. someone needs to tell her about this blog...btw, I love this blog. Elder Runnells ROCKS and makes me want to be a missionary all over again.....THanks for keeping us updated throught he blog.

  2. Oh wait, I am a missionary! Duh! Lov it
