Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 19, 2010.

Wow first week i ever missed e mail last week! sorry ah! no but i was at a training meeting and I went to get my greenie! well in the past two weeks lots has happened here as well as at home! first of all, im so sorry to hear about lolo! he is with our heavenly father again and i know he is so stoked to be with jon again too! i hope all is well with everyone! he will be greatly missed but we will see him again! secondly Sarah and Wilson! Congrats! i cant wait to get home and see chaleis new sibling! well nuff about you back home! i am a trainer this transfer and I love it! i am training a boy from honolulu and his name is elder pono Akina! super cool guy! we have 4 missionaries from hawaii now in the mission and im greatfull that pres. Yardley was inspired to let me train him! he was in the mtc for christmas too! all i can say is you would not believe how hard we are working but you would not also believe how much fun were having! work hard play hard! we are increacing our teaching pool huge and we split the steak so we focus on the 4 wards now! he got a voice so he sings and i play ukulele! works out great! we are on foot for now and just got bikes but we walk mostly! we have been exactly obident and we are seeing so many miricles! we got home the other night at 8:50 and he thought we were going to just go in to the house but i said "put on your gloves elder, we got 10 more min. lets knock some doors!" we went and started at our neighbors house then worked down the street! we just had a bunch of doors slammed in our face and people telling us how late it was and to not bother them! 8:58 came and i said one more door elder! he knocked and this lady said she would like to learn more about our church! things just wernt going good and she was down! wow what a miricle! we set a return app. with her and then we ran as fast as we could home and got in by 9:00 pm! we also had to bike home last night in the 50 mph winds and rain so i kept pushing and it was getting close to 9"00 but all i could think of was "Jesus never gave up on me, so i cant give up on him!" i pushed harder and harder and we got home just in time! i love my mission and i love elder Akina! people tripp out when they find out were both from Hawaii! no joke... Everyone! our invitation sunday was last week! it was awesome! we met so many non members and the normal church overflowed way into the gyms in 3 of our 4 wards! miricles happen guys! but faith preceeds the miricle! always! we have so many lessons set up theis week and it will be a great time to be a missionary in Kuna Idaho! i also met some 3rd cousins of mine in one of my wards! crazy small world! anyway! i love you all! i know if we are faithfull, anything is possible! even filling a whole church building that normally has many empty rows! Stay Strong! Aloha!

1 comment:

  1. Kaoha elder Runnels:)'s awesome to hear your doing great!!..hAppY nEw YeaR**..The times are close and im happy to hear wats new with u..your being a wonderful example to everyone around u and @ home!..I believe were meant to fill a purpose & Im so proud that you've found your's, & can be an example to me and probably many others that you'll meet:)..You look great and you'll be a great trainer & it sounds like u hav a great trainee too!hehe..take care & keep up the good lord's work:)
